Saturday, September 14, 2013

My Square Foot Garden

I started a garden this year for the first time. The whole family has loved it. I followed the Square-Foot Gardening and this is what it produced:
My First Garden
 It's not huge, but it sure has been fun. I built two 4X4 boxes and put them up against my house where I get the most sun. I planted a bunch of different things, just to try it out. Although we don't love eggplant, we've found that it produces a lot, and the blossoms are a beautiful purple. I have used the herbs a ton, most recently in made-from-scratch spaghetti sauce. There is nothing like fresh vegetables on the dinner table.
Tomatoes, Beans, Cucumbers,
Pumpkins, Watermelon, Brussel


Parsley, Basil, Broccoli and Eggplant
My garden 'made-from-scratch' spaghetti sauce


  1. I've been thinking about making my own spahgetti sauce...did you folow a recipe or wing it?

  2. Sasha, I used a recipe, but had to improvise a little. Next time I'd add more basil and other spices and maybe a few more tomatoes. It was yummy anyway.
