Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I ran my first 5k March 22. It was cold. I was nervous. I had a great crew. And I ran with my son. It was great. I got my best running time at an average pace of 8:43/mile. Thanks for all the support. I think I'll run again!

Jacob, Rob and I all ran well and placed in the top 2 or 3 in our age groups.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Running has become my new hobby. I started off very slowly last May. Seriously, it was walk 5 minutes, run 1 minute. Continue for 20 minutes until I can barely go on. It got easier after a month or two when I could run half a mile and walk the rest. I didn't see much progress until my sister came to town and got me out there really running. We ran 3 miles! I was ecstatic . . . and exhausted! It wasn't until I'd been running at least 6 months that I decided to try four miles. I did it, with a lot of breaks. But, I was excited.

In January a friend invited me to train and run a half marathon with her. After a lot of thought, I decided I had nothing to lose. At that is when I saw big changes in my running and in my fitness overall. I have a schedule I follow which includes three days of running, a Cross Training day and a stretching day. I feel great.

Each new milestone makes me happy and makes me want to push on.

What are these milestones?

Run for 30 minutes without stopping. 5 miles. 8 miles. 10 miles. And most recently, getting my fasting time while doing a 5k. I might be addicted.

4 Months?

In passing a few days ago Jacob mentioned he needed new shoes. I glanced at them quickly and thought, yes, he'll need shoes soon.

Last night when the kids were all in bed and as I sat down for the first time all day, I saw the bottoms of Jacob's shoes. He needed new shoes weeks ago!

He seriously goes through shoes in 3-4 months every time.
Anyone else deal with this?