Tuesday, March 25, 2014

4 Months?

In passing a few days ago Jacob mentioned he needed new shoes. I glanced at them quickly and thought, yes, he'll need shoes soon.

Last night when the kids were all in bed and as I sat down for the first time all day, I saw the bottoms of Jacob's shoes. He needed new shoes weeks ago!

He seriously goes through shoes in 3-4 months every time.
Anyone else deal with this?


  1. We had to stop buying payless shoes because my boys would go through them in under 2 months. We've had better luck at Big 5 and sadly, switching to a name brand like Nike or Puma or adidas.

  2. We have already switched to the nicer brands and still . . . Unfortunately Jacob has had to get one MORE pair since this post. I think the nicer weather and all the running around the neighborhood and outside basketball court is doing it!
