Friday, November 1, 2013

Where I'm From

Where I`m From


I`m from practicing basketball, eating Hershey’s, and grandma and grandpa’s house.
         From roughhousing, craziness and hugs.
         I`m from desert sagebrush and blowing sunflowers.
         I am from pulling weeds, brown hair, and hazel eyes.
         From 4 siblings and 2 loving parents.
         I`m from laughter and loud grass hopper.
         From the childhood stories of Larey and Skudule.
         I am from prayer and “ I am a child of god”.
          I`m from hot and humid Texas, and snowy, cold Utah.
         I`m from chocolate chip cookies and baked potatoes.
I`m from vacuumed hands, cracked open skulls, and the school nurse.
         I am from Newport Beach, LaVell Edwards stadium, and home sweet home.

*Poem from English class 2013 (they were given the prompts to write their own 'Where I'm From' poems).

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